Place Game
The Place Game is a great way to work on your dog's name, recalls (come) and place. The object of the game is for your dog to stay on Place until they are called to come onto another Place.
Items Needed:
- 2 Beds/Towels/Mats to use for Place
- Long line (if your dog isn't good at staying on Place)
- Large space (living room, drive way, outside patio etc.)
How to Play:
1) Place the 2 beds across the room from each other.
2) Have your dog Place on one bed.
3) Walk to the other bed.
4) Call your dog to you (i.e. "Teddy, come."). When your dog gets 1-2 feet away from the bed say "Place".
5) Have dog Place on bed.
6) Walk to the other bed.
7) Repeat steps 4-6. As your dog gets better, extend the length of time you call them from the other bed.