Reading Body Language & Behaviors
Dogs communicate with their whole bodies unlike the common misconception that it's just their tails or barks. Many owners do not realize that even the most sutble behaviors like licking their lips can tell us a lot about how the dog is feeling. In socialization, many owners misread the dogs body language.
Common Signs of stress/nervousness:
- Excessive panting
- Sweating (through paws)
- Avoidance/Moving Away/Cowering
- Holding breath
- Licking lips
- Yawning
- Staring intensely
- Freezing in palce
- Eyes open wide enough to see the whites (aka whale eyes)
- Ears Pinned Back
- Shaking
- Displacement behavior
Behaviors can also be misread which can potentially lead to dog fights or bites. Remember if you see your dog showing these behaviors you need to correct them. If your dog is more submissive make sure you advocate for your dog.
A few common behaviors that lead to potential dog fights:
- Sniffing other dog excessively or for too long
- Not listening to other dog's corrections (other dog barks, shows teeth, tries to avoid your dog)
- Showing dominance
- Stiff body and keeping head above the other dog
- Pushing around/Bulldozing other dogs
- Putting paws on other dog's backs
- Pinning dogs down and not allowing them to get back up
- Humping
- Grabbing ears, tail, or foot
- Excessive barking in other dog's faces
- Staring Intensely